Check out video below.
Steve's Facebook page.
Steve Carricato has started a W.I.P of
Rey's Speeder from the Movie "The Force Awakens".
This time he is adding our engine light and sound kit.
Engine lighting is synchronized with engine sounds.
Steve has built a couple of these and his weathering
skills are amazing.
Be sure to follow Steve's W.I.P. as we update
it regularly. :)
UPDATE: 12-12-19
Steve's video and more photos.
See the beautiful work Steve has done so far,
and see and hear the amazing lights and sounds.
Steve's Photos
Steve's video of speeder in action with lights and sound :)
UPDATE: 12-19-19
Photos of accurizing the speeder, Steve says he is getting closer :)
UPDATE: 12-22-19
More photos of the custom parts painted.
COMPLETED 12-28-19
Photos of Steve's completed build.
Check out the photos of the beautiful build :)
Steve's Facebook page.
Contact Steven carricato carrisj63@gmail.com of Spacecraft creation Models SCMs http://spacecraftcreationmodels.com
for a build.
Updated Video 1-16-2020
Photos Added 11/08/19

Photos Added 12/19/19

Photos Added 12/22/19

Photos and Video Added 12/28/19 Completed